Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching of Life Sciences - Webinar series
The webinar series on "Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching of Life Sciences" aimed to create a forum and a community to help improve the quality of undergraduate education in the life sciences, through monthly online seminars in English with speakers from Switzerland and elsewhere. The webinars took place in 2021 and during the first quarter of 2022. Their recorded versions were made available to those who had registered for the series. In March 2022, the organizers decided to suspend the webinar series because live participation had become insufficient. With a subsiding pandemic, rethinking the best way of rallying the community had become necessary. In the meantime, we would like to refer the community to teaching-related activities of FEBS (of which LS2 is also a member society).
Didier Picard (University of Geneva) and François Lombard (University of Geneva), under the auspices of Life Sciences Switzerland.
Program of 2021
- March 17: Erin Dolan (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA); Undergraduate research at scale: What if the treatment is a CURE?
- April 14: Kostas Kampourakis (University of Geneva, CH); Going beyond content knowledge: Addressing students’ preconceptions to achieve conceptual understanding in undergraduate biology
- May 12: Katja Köhler and Ernst Hafen (ETH Zürich, CH); Teaching as teamwork - The Center for Active Learning at the ETH Department of Biology
- June 9: Pierre Cosson (University of Geneva, CH); Construction of a new bachelor curriculum with integration of multiple soft skills
- September 15: Jean-Pierre Kraehenbuhl (Health Sciences eTraining (HSeT) Foundation; Épalinges, CH); COLT: a new weapon to disseminate knowledge.
- October 13: Angel Herráez (University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares; Spain); Instructional design of a virtual laboratory to perform genetic diagnosis experiments
- November 17: Anat Yarden (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel); Should we relate to students’ religious faith when teaching evolution?
Program of 2022
- January 26 (17.30): Sara Petchey (Universität Zürich, CH); The pedagogically-trained teaching assistant: an under-recognized change agent in the improvement of university teaching.
- February 23 (17.30): François Lombard (Université de Genève, CH); Does the order of your slides matter? Measuring progressive organization of conceptual understanding during learning - implications for education.
- March 9 (17.30): Manu Kapur (ETH Zürich, Switzerland); Productive failure.