Autophagy Workshop 2019

organised by the LS2 section Autophagy
Fribourg, Friday 13 September 2019

Dear Colleagues, dear “Autophagists”,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the FIRST SWISS AUTOPHAGY WORKSHOP organized by the LS2 section autophagy. We planned a ONE-DAY event with two great guest speakers and lots of possibilities to discuss autophagy, exchange autophagy protocols and networking.

We choose “Autophagy: from Models to Mechanisms” as title for our first workshop, because we wanted to underline the importance of choosing the right models and techniques to determine autophagic activity in different organisms, tissues and diseases.

Due to generous sponsoring by the Swiss Academy of Sciences we are able to reimburse the travel costs for a large number of PhD students and postdocs affiliated with a Swiss University.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is August 1st, 2019.

We expect 30-50 participants from Switzerland, including a high percentage of young scientists eager to catch up on the latest autophagy models and research.

We are convinced that the first Swiss Autophagy Workshop will allow for fruitful exchange of ideas, data and reagents among Swiss researchers interested in autophagy.

Moreover, we will gather for our first LS2 section autophagy member meeting to discuss past and future actions of our section.

Hope to see you in September in Fribourg!

The organizers