It is our pleasure to welcome you to the LS2 ICMT & Biophysics Joint Meeting 2024 which combines two LS2 sections!
The one-day meeting will take place in the Starling Hotel – EPFL (Salle de Réunion, Route Cantonale 31, 1025 Saint-Sulpice, Link HERE) on the 20th of November 2024 and will be chaired by Prof. Beat Fierz (EPFL) - President of the LS2 section Biophysics, and Prof. Katja Odening (University of Bern) - President of the LS2 section Ion Channels and Membrane Transporters (ICMT).
The LS2 ICMT & Biophysics Joint Meeting 2024 is an interactive scientific conference designed to enable PhD students, young post-docs and junior group leaders to meet, learn and exchange ideas about the latest research, which connects both topics. The meeting creates the perfect setting for intimate and stimulating interaction between PIs, the academic offspring, and representatives of the companies.
We are looking forward to a great meeting with fruitful scientific discussions!
Prof. Beat Fierz and Prof. Katja Odening