Physiology & Ion Channels and Membrane Transporters Joint Meeting
Wednesday 6 September 2023
UniS - University of Bern, Bern
UniS - University of Bern, Bern
Registration has closed on Sunday 13 August 2023.
Abstract submission until Tuesday 1 August 2023.
Abstract submission until Tuesday 1 August 2023.
Enjoy the pictures of the event HERE.
Winners of the YIA 2023
Winners category PhD students:
- Saranda Nimani (UNIBE) - Best oral presentation
- Lucilla Giammarino (UNIBE) - 2nd best oral presentation
- Matteo Caretti (UNIFR) - Best poster
Winners category Postdocs:
- Andras Horvath (UNIBE) - Best oral presentation
- Duilio Michele Potenza (UNIFR) - 2nd best talk
The Young Investigator Award was sponsored in 2023 by the "Stiftung für Physiologie" (former Oetliker Foundation) and the LS2 Section ICMT.

Winner of the public poster prize
Antonia Herwig (UNIFR)
Poster title: Identification of new ciliogeneris-associated transcriptional regulators of androglobin
Prize sponsored by Nanion Technologies.

With the generous support of ...