Swiss Proteomics Meeting 2019

The Annual Meeting of the LS2 Section Proteomics
Montreux, Thursday 23 May 2019 – Friday 24 May 2019

You heard something at the conference you are really interested in? You think it might be a good idea to implement a particular idea/technology in your project? You would like to learn more? How about just doing this!

The LS2 Proteomics section would like to catalyze collaborations within Switzerland!
Therefore we will offer 10 Travel Grants in order to connect Swiss researchers.

How does it work?

Simple. You and the scientist you want to visit fill out the form* and get the OK from both PI’s.
*Link to the form will be given during the meeting

Expectation management:

  • The award will go to the outgoing and incoming researchers
  • 2-day visit of the hosting lab (during 2019)
  • Visiting scientist must give a group seminar
  • Hosting scientist must invite guest for dinner
  • Both recipients must send a picture and short report to

What is the award?
300 CHF (~ 100 CHF for travel, 100 CHF for hotel & 100 CHF for dinner) to be received by the visiting scientist
And a pretty good time discussing your science for free!

"How about transferring technology faster & writing more collaborative papers within Switzerland?”