We are pleased to announce the first LS2 Systems Biology Meeting:
“Emergent properties and self-organisation across scales”
15 & 16 November 2021, Schloss Münchenwiler
Many processes in biology are self-organising and lead to emergent properties. They cannot be reduced to properties of the individual components involved and can cross multiple spatial and temporal scales. A concerted effort is needed to better understand the rules of emergence and self-organisation. By exchanging results and ideas and promoting networking we hope to initiate collaborations that will help to address one of the grand challenges of current research in the life sciences.
This meeting will also be an opportunity to bring the Swiss Systems Biology community together and solidify the work of the LS2 Systems Biology Section.
The program contains speakers chosen among early career scientists selected from abstract.
The program will cover the following topics: self-organisation and emergent properties:
1. on the molecular/cellular level
2. in microbial systems
3. in development
4. in organoids
5. in societies and ecosystems
Keynote speakers: Sabine Hauert, Univ. Bristol, UK, Jordi García-Ojalvo, Univ. Barcelona, Spain
Speakers session Molecular / Cellular level: Lucas Pelkmans, UZH, Olivier Pertz, UNIBE, Giovanni D’Angelo, EPFL, Dirk van Swaay, Wunderlichips
Speakers session Microbial systems: Sara Mitri, UNIL, Alex Persat, EPFL, Olivier Binggeli, Genscript
Speakers session Development: Andy Oates, EPFL, Michel Milinkovitch, UNIGE, Dagmar Iber, ETHZ
Speakers session Organoids: Prisca Liberali, FMI Basel, Barbara Treutlein, ETHZ
Speakers session Societies and ecosystems: Jordi Bascompte, UZH, Adria LeBoeuf, UNIFR
This meeting is co-organised with NCCR Microbiomes, and supported by SCNAT!
The organizing committee:
Yolanda Schaerli (UNIL; Vice-President LS2 Systems Biology Section)
Eavan Dorcey (UNIL; Board Member LS2 Systems Biology Section)
Attila Becskei (UNIBAS; President LS2 Systems Biology Section)