It is our great pleasure to introduce a Proteomics Webinars Series for “A Tour of Switzerland”. Organized by the LS2 Proteomics Section, these virtual sessions will bring you to different cities in Switzerland to discover what Proteomics is all about there.
Bern's Webinar - November 10th - 14:00 / 15:40
Bern Proteomics Webinar, November 10th, 14:00 / 15:30
The freedom of proteomics without labels
This webinar hosted by the proteomics core facility of the University of Bern will provide an overview of the diverse range of proteomics projects supported by the group. The life science community at UniBe tackles a wide variety of challenges involving many research areas from across all the campus. In this session we focus on label-free approaches applied in the fields of infectious diseases and biomedical science. You are welcome to visit us at our new site in Murtenstrasse 28, 3008 Bern, a stone’s throw from the main train station.
Presentations (20 mins each), followed by a combined Q&A at the end:
- Janine Lux, PhD candidate, Institute for Infectious Diseases, UniBern
"Interspecies communication of S. pneumoniae and other bacteria via peptides"
- Manfred Heller, Department for BioMedical Research, UniBern
"Effect of transport seen through the proteomics spectacles"
- Joachim Müller, Institute for Parasitology, UniBern
"Proteomics and Protein Chromatography - Then and Now. A Paradigm Shift?"
- Phillip Thienger, Department for BioMedical Research, UniBern
"Elucidating the mechanisms of specialized SWI/SNF complexes in advanced prostate cancer"
Organizing Committee: Sophie Braga, Anne-Christine Uldry, Manfred Heller
Moderator: Anne-Christine Uldry
Visit the LS2 Proteomics section webpage here: